Servicing of Cargo Pump and Cargo Oil Tank

Cargo Oil Tank Gauging System

Service & Calibration of Tank Level, Tank Pressure and Tank Temperature Multi Monitoring Systems of All Leading Brands

Servicing of Intrinsic Safety Barriers and Equipment

Cabling & Termination of Field Sensors


Cargo Pump Pressure Indicators


Discharge/ Suction Pressure Transmitters & Remote Gauging-servicing & calibration


Supply, Repair and Service, Calibration and Certification of :

Cargo Safety & Alarms Monitoring System

Cargo & Ballast Tank Level Gauging System

Cargo Tank Temperature Monitoring System

Cargo & Ballast P/PS & Lines Pressure Monitoring System

Water Ingress System & De-Watering System

Ballast Tank & Pump room Gas Detection System

Ballast Water Treatment System


Inert Gas System

Portable Tank Gauging System

Fixed Gas & Flame Detection

Portable Gas Detector

Engine Room Alarm & Monitoring System

M/E Pneumatic Maneuvering System

M/E Safety Alarms Monitoring System

15ppm Bilge Alarms & Oil Water Separator

Boilers Control


Generators Control / Safety & Alarm Monitoring System

Temperature & Pressure Controllers

Fire Alarm System



For more info, Please contact us : 



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